Thursday, 10 March 2016

My gallant crew... Good morning! - Royal Navy Captains finished

The painting challenge is on it's last days now and finally I managed to finished to miniatures to complete the first bunch of Napoleonic seamen:
When painting those gentlemen I always swayed between the Horatio Hornblower TV series and a recording of H.M.S. Pinafore by Gilbert and Sullivan. Although the play is set in a slightly later period these sturdy officers reminded me of sorely afflicted Captain Corcoran. Simultaneously especially the left chap has the strict but fair look of Robert Lindsay's wonderful recreation of Captain Pellew.

The figures are from Brigade Games excellent range of Napoleonics and were sculpted by master craftsman Paul Hicks. They are wonderfully detailed and well proportioned although some of his newer pieces seem to be even better or let me say almost perfect. Anyway they are so full of character and detail that is was a pleasure to bring our the best of myself.
For painting I used my usual combination of Vallejo (mostly Model Colors) and Wargames Foundry (skin paintset). Luckily captains in the Royal Navy wore large epaulettes and some golden piping on their uniforms which gave me the chance to try NMM (non-metal-metal) again. I'm not sure whether it's turned out too yellowish but more or less I'm satisfied. 
For now those two chaps are a good intermediate target for my Royal Navy collection. There are still a couple of sailors on the lead pile and Empress has an interesting Maori Wars range that is partly suitable for Napoleonics as well but for now I can turn my eye to another theatre of war...

And finally a short reminiscence of the quote I used as title:

'My galland Crew...' from H.M.S. Pinafor by Gilbert & Sullivan


  1. Cracking painting Monty! Love your take on the NMM.

    1. Many thanks, Nick. A highly appreciated feedback from a master of art.

  2. Really loved this entry Stefan, especially the faces.

  3. Fantastic figs Stefan! Captured beautifully.

    I've always though about doing a figure like this with red hair to represent a certain Naval Officer with whom you might be familiar. It worked out pretty well with my bearded Kriegsmarine Kapitan a few years ago :-)

    1. Many thanks, Paul.
      The Kriegsmarine Captain sounds very interesting. Do you have him on your blog?

  4. Lovely, lovely work Stefan. Well done.

    1. Many thanks, Curt.
      It was a pleasure to contribute this humble piece of work to your challenge.
