Sunday, 2 March 2014

Painting Table Saturday #17

Actually I'm rarely painting on Saturdays. Most of them I enjoy with my family and spend some time with our daughter or unburden dear Mrs Monty. In the evening most of the time we're having dates with friends of our living away.

Anyway today I got the chance to spent some time between leaden men and painting pots so I proudly present my first post to this group. This evening on the painting table.... Gripping Beast Vikings for SAGA !
These are eight Viking warriors for my SAGA warband and another eight to be primed soon. Lately I recognized how fast these guys can be painted so they might serve as a little boost for the finishing straight of Curt's painting challenge...

Have a nice Sunday !


  1. They are lovely figures and I cant wait to see them finished

  2. I love your painting stand Stefan - very useful.

  3. Thanks for participating! I added your link to my blog post. I'm also very curious about the finished result! Have a nice sunday!

    Greetings, Sofie

  4. I'm sure they'll be a treat to look at.

  5. Hola
    Buena mesa de pintura te as puesto
    Tienes un buen blog,con muy buenas minis

  6. Waiting for your next eight paintings of your saga warband, i have gone through the Alexander Shmakoff paintings which inspired me a lot.
    Alexander Shmakoff
