Thursday, 26 July 2012

Just a short update...

Last week was rather dull. Since some pain in the back and neck was punishing me, I wasn't able to do much painting sadly. However I managed to get some minor things finished. Nothing too special but better small steps than nothing...

1.) Prepared the next seven highlanders

2.) Made an compartment for storing scenary

3.) Scanned my terrain pieces and prepared a Powerpoint terrain kit

You see... Nothing worth a single post. However the next week seems to be promising. My wife and me found a nice pair of glass cabinets which shall become the new home of my miniature stuff. I hope to be ale to present them bought, built and arranged next week.


  1. I'm sorry to hear about the back and do hope that it is on the mend; suffering myself with toothache at the moment! I am curious about number 3 on your list, what does this help you to do?

    1. Thanks for your wishes and get well soon yourself !

      I took photos of all (the few) terrain pieces I have and started to include them into a Powerpoint-File as 1:10 scratch. I want to use this file to arrange boards for playing in advance and to be able to use those pictures for battle reports afterwards.

      If you and maybe other readers are interested it, I'll post some screenshots...


  2. The definition of a professional is to do your best work, when you don't want to do anything at all. Keep up the good work.

  3. Sorry to hear about your pains, but I'm looking forward to seeing your display cabinets set up.
