Monday, 26 November 2012

Liebster Blog Award for Monty's Caravan !

The "Liebster Blog Award" is circling through the bloggosphere since a few week and last week my humble blog was decorated with it by Sander from "Modus Reg Magni Momenti"-Blog.

Thanks for the kind support, mate !

The rules for this nice affair are the following:
Copy and paste the award on your blog linking it to the blogger who has given it to you.

  1. Pass the award to your top 5 favourite blogs with less than 200 followers by leaving a comment on one of their posts to notify them that they have won the award and listing them on your own blog.
  2. Sit back and bask in that warm fuzzy feeling that comes with knowing that you have just made someone's day!
  3. There is no obligation to pass this on to anyone else but it is nice if you do. 

After half a year of reading and writing blogs I'm familiar with a lot of great and interesting blogs and some really nice mats which tend to read my blog regularly. Several of those blogs have more than 200 followers and so they're out or were already decorated with "Liebster Blog".

But however I made my choice and want to pass the award to the following five blogs:
*** drum roll *** fanfare ***


 Fellow blogger "Lord Hill" has the task to paint a British force which represents every single combattant on the battlefield of Waterloo in June 1815 as 28mm miniature. A ambitious aim which deserves to be mentioned I think.

A gifted git who presents excellent tutorials and very good paintjobs. Mostly 20mm WW II  stuff but always worth a visit.

One of the very few ice hockey loving wargamers I know. But albeit he runs a nice blog with lots of historical information and good game reports.

Some lads from Berlin started to run their own Prussian SYW-Range earlier this year. Meanwhile they managed to have several poses and are keeping it going. These effords deserve to be mentioned I think.

He grants us a look onto his workbench and provides a lot of nice views of miniatures from different sclaes and periods.

There were a lot of other blogs and people that would have deserved the award too but I had to make my choice. However since the "Liebster Blog Award" is cycling furthermore I hope some of them will receive it anyway.


  1. Congratulations to a winner!

  2. Thanks for the nomination and the reminder. I'm embarrased that I needed it..
    Best Regards, Mojo

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Whoops! Spelling mistakes!
    Nice one Monty, very well deserved!

    1. Never mind, Ray!
      Some people called me worse than "Paul". :-D


  5. Thanks for the kind comments. I'll keep it going!


  6. Thanks very much Monty! Very kind of you

  7. Congrats, well deserved, a great blog!

  8. Congrats Monty! You have a very deserving blog. Definitely top notch in my book anyway. Thanks for the nomination too. :-)

