Wednesday, 2 January 2019

Cruel Seas: Vospers and eels

Ahoi Jack Tars and Landlubbers,

finally my first entry for this year's Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge:

Vospers and eels

Shortly before Christmas Warlord released their new WWII naval skirmish game Cruel Seas. Frankly for a long time their wasn't a release that I was so much looking forward to. Anyway my pre-order didn't arrive in time and more than two weeks of desperate wainting overshadowed my december. Anyway shortly before Christmas the starter set arrived and I couldn't resist painting enough boats for the first couple of scenarios. So here we go with the Vospers first.

Actually the basic games comes with six Vospers but until now I've painted only four of them. They are all in 1/300 (6mm) scale but very detailed. Due to the thick plastic they appear a bit bulky but nevertheless really nice models.

As usual I used Vallejo Moddel Colors to paint the ships. Mostly different shades of grey for obcious reasons. Afterwards I used a combination of washes from Citadel and AK to apply some weathering and give the boats slightly different shadings.

On one of the boats I mounted a couple of crew. They are 1/300 metal figures which Walord delivers with the British resin boats from the fleet box. They fit on the plastic boats very nicely too and are a simple conversion. Only the paint to the small gap in the breastwork of the bridge. I'd use some greenstuff to conceal that on the next batch of boats.

Since Cruel Seas is all about torpedo boats it makes some sense to have a couple of torpedos ready. With the starter set and the Royal Navy fleet box came to sprues with 16 torpedo markers each. Thus I took some time to paint them all in one process of piecework.

That's Cruel Seas for now. Shortly there'll appear some German E-boats as well as an armed trawler for the Brits. My entry for the water bonus round is ready as well but let's keep this under the water surface for now.  ;-)

 Finally let me wish you all a happy new year and all the best for 2019!



  1. Beautifully painted Stefan!! Have a great 2019!

  2. Splendid stuff Stefan....
    Will you be at Tactica this year?

    All the best and a happy new year. Aly

    1. Thanks a lot, Aly.

      Yes, mate, I will. We'll run a large ACW Blackpowder game there, although meeting you boys from Nottingham alone is worth the trip.

  3. Those really look great Stefan and Happy New Years!


  4. Really well done! Might have to order a box for myself.

    1. The game is really worth playing. But for the starter box you have to be patient, as far as I know it's being reprinted currently.

  5. FANTASTIC detail on these and great shading.

    1. Thanks, Alan. I'm really satisfied with my first attempt with the AK washes.

  6. Looking good Stefan.. I enjoyed my first few games... need more S Boats!

    1. So did I. We played scenarios 1 and 2 (last one twice) and had a lot of fun. But I'm keen on trying larger games with more torpedos. :-)

  7. Happy New Year Stefan and lovely to see you posting again. These look wonderful, great job Sir.

    1. Thanks a lot, my friend. It's my aim to do this regularly again.

  8. Fantastic work mate - time has not dulled your skills any!

  9. Cracking job on the Vospers mate. Hope you and the family have a great 2019.

  10. Wow! Those look amazing...very nicely done on the painting and level of detail that you achieved.

  11. They look great, nice weathering on them. I am very tempted by Cruel seas, and have a couple of gospels already from Wargames Illustrated. My great Uncle Jack was picked up by one in the Solent after his minesweeper found a mine the wrong way.
