Nearly a years has passed with no noticebly activity on this blog. So actually there are two possible ways for 2019:
Monty, get off your backside and bring up content again!
Desert your colours and delete the whole thing!
To be hontest I've been really undecided what to do. But when I visited Crisis last month I met a couple of the finest wargaming fellows again and was reminded of the circumstances of our acqaintance namely the bloggo-sphere. Thus I realised that I'm not able and willing to throw this all away. 2019 I'll give it another go and try to get back on track.
To support that I decided to throw my hat in the ring of Curt's ingenious yearly painting challenge again:
Last year I skipped the challenge but this time I was lucky enough that Curt reserved a slot for me and welcomed prodigal son with open arms. I enroled with my usual 500 pts and I'm curious whether I'll be able to fulfill that goal. Currently my plans are as follows:
- Bring forth my ACW project for Tactica 2019 in Hamburg
- Paint the ships from the Cruel Seas starter set
- Pass as many bonus rounds as possible
#2 must take its place behind #1 but is seductive beyond comparison. Currently I'm still waiting for my set to arrive but I'm confidant that the postman will drop it on my dorstep today or tomorrow. Additionally the play through video by Warlord Games looks stunning and I cannot wait to lay my hands on those nice little ships and lead them into battle. But our ACW presentation in Hamburg must stay at top priority.
#3 will depend on my progress with #1 and #2. For some topics I'm on a good way but for some I have no idea what to contribute. The ideas:
- Reconnaissance -- No real idea yet. Maybe a pair of AT-RT-Walker for Star Wars Legion
- Sport -- Perhaps a six man team for Blitz Bowl
- Mercenary -- No real idea yet.
- Water Feature -- Cruel Seas
- Fellowship -- I have a couple of Holmes/Watson-Sets. Maybe one of those.
Last but not least the link to the Cruel Seas video I mentioned earlier:
It's nearly 80 minutes with designer Richard Carlisle and Warlord Charlie Monaghan playing one of the default scenarios from the basic rulebook. It's packed with explanations and inshore action. Frankly I cannot wait to get my copy.