Last week my humble blog's visitors counter left range of 5 digits and passed the 100K step.
Many thanks for your much appreciated attention !
When I started blogging two and a half years ago I wanted to find a way to keep my mojo alive and get in touch with some like-minded people from time to time. Meanwhile the bloggosphere turned to be an important part of my hobby which I don't want to miss.
During the
32 months this blog is online now I wrote
203 posts. Some more interesting as others but the most visited articles collected no less then 1.184 visits so far. Some of you will remember the first Bolt Action AAR from 13th November 2012:
Somewhere near Anzio.
A lot of you took the invitation to follow this blog and leave comments here which I appreciate very much. Altogether there were 2.279 comments posted mainly by the 211 followers until now. Most of them very encouraging and helpful, indeed. Many thanks for all your support!
During the last months the monthly traffic on this blog increased. Some of you will smile at it but I'm pretty proud of more than 5.000 visits per month during the last half-year. But, chaps, that pressurises me somehow on the other side...
Anyway I looking back to the past two and a half years thankfully. I'm glad to have taken the step into bloggosphere and to have met you kind and helpful people here. As for the 50K step last November I'll prepare a raffle to celebrate this event. It'll have probably three lots of painted and unpainted miniatures or modelling kits.
So stay tuned and don't miss it!