After my sunday airbrush session I couldn't resist to get some more paint on the Tommies. To act as my first guniea pigs I chose two officers from Great War Miniatures' excellent World War 1 range:
Painting them was great fun. The sculpts are very well and the figures are full of character. For the choice of colours my special thanks to Mark Hargreaves. Most of you will know his blog "Over open Sights" and the excellent miniatures he presents there. Mark is a gifted painter as well as a very helpful chap. He's offering some painting guides on his blog and was kind enough to answer me some further questions. So my colour choices base on his tutorial with only a few replacements for colours I didn't have.
As usual I used Vallejo Model Colors and some inks and washes from various manufacturers. For the first time I didn't use spray varnish. Instead I employed Marabu Mattlack (matt varnish) from the paint pot. It was very easy to apply and dryed cristal clear. A really good alternativ to the spray cans with which I didn't make good experience only.
The bases aren't finished yet. I'm not sure whether I should static grass as usual or rather stay muddy. Probably a compromise of both...
As usual I used Vallejo Model Colors and some inks and washes from various manufacturers. For the first time I didn't use spray varnish. Instead I employed Marabu Mattlack (matt varnish) from the paint pot. It was very easy to apply and dryed cristal clear. A really good alternativ to the spray cans with which I didn't make good experience only.
The bases aren't finished yet. I'm not sure whether I should static grass as usual or rather stay muddy. Probably a compromise of both...